Doctor in Restorative Dentistry programme is a part of 1+3 specialist training programme in restorative dentistry, following the completion of a one-year Master of Applied Oral Sciences (or equivalent) programme. Upon completion of this programme, the degree will be awarded to the candidates leading to the registration as a specialist in Restorative Dentistry.
The programme provides a comprehensive knowledge and training in the field of restorative dentistry, particularly in conservative dentistry, endodontology, fixed and removable prosthodontics, periodontology and implantology. Mode of teaching varies from lectures, seminars, journal clubs, case-based learning, problem-based learning, clinical sessions, practicals, laboratory work and research project. Students will be sent for clinical attachment at recognised local and overseas restorative dentistry facilities to broaden their clinical experiences.
Assessments will be carried out throughout the academic years via various continuous assessments, quizzes, clinical audit report, case reports, clinical logbook and professional examinations which includes written examination, clinical examination and VIVA VOCE. Candidates are required to pass all professional examinations and submitted the dissertation to be awarded with Doctor in Restorative Dentistry (DrResDent USIM).